Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010

Yogyakarta Traditional Snack (Kipo Cookie)

Yogyakarta is famous with culturist town. This town has a special traditional atmosphere. We can find this atmosphere on Yogyakarta’s each corner, for example its traditional snacks, such as Kipo cookie. This snack is very unique; the name of this snack is already making us curious, moreover the taste that always makes the Kipo lover longing, because Kipo are just found in Yogyakarta. Many Kipo cookies can find in Kotagede traditional market, Yogyakarta.

The ingredients of Kipo are white sticky rice flour (tepung ketan), hot coconut milk, suji leafs’ liquid, brown sugar and pandan leafs. Kipo has a jackfruit smell, sweet and smell good. The uniquely of Kipo is the smell good from burning of banana’s leafs when its made and jackfruit smell as an ingredient on these snack. Jackfruit is the only one fruit that used as the content of Kipo since when Kipo was made. According to the elder people, name of Kipo appears from people’s questions, “Iki opo? (What is this?)”. The abbreviation is Kipo (Iki opo).

The price of Kipo is very achievable, the wrap of Kipo that is made in small pieces lay in banana leafs that formed square. Every five Kipo is priced only Rp. 1000. Kipo is very economic snack if we look in that making in Yogyakarta. The process must be burned upon copper until cooked, it needs about 8 hours if we make in big number.